This is a cell

Align Tutorial euDock 2.0
Align Functions:
I gues that euDock creation is not a problem (is explained in the previous tutorial).

After the creation of an euDock object, you can align it to the screen or
to an HTML object or to a fixed position (a little example is on the top left of this page)
Align to screen:
Place inside your <HEAD></HEAD> HTML tag:
   <script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.2.0.js"></script>
   <script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Image.js"></script>
      // Instance your euDock object
   var dock = new euDock();
       * (euDock object).setScreenAlign(align,offset)
       * align euDock to the screen borders
       * align  : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT)
       * offset : the distance between screen border and euDock
Align an HTML object:
      // Instance your euDock object
   var dock = new euDock();
       * (euDock object).setObjectAlign(objectID,objectAlign,offset,euDockPosition)
       * align euDock to an HTML object
       * objectID    : the id of the object to be retrieve with the javascript function
       *             : document.getElementById(objectID);
       * objectAlign : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT,euCENTER)
       *             : Align to the middle (TOP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,CENTER) of the object
       *             : (In the euCENTER case, offset will move the bar  
       *             :  up    [horizontal bar] or
       *             :  right [vertical bar] )
       * offset      : The distance from HTML object
       * euDockPosition : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT,euHORIZONTAL,euVERTICAL)
       *             : put euDock on the (TOP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,centerHORIZONTAL,centerVERTICAL)
       *             : of the middle edge position of the object
       *             : (If you don't understand see the sources)
Align to a fixed position:
      // Instance your euDock object
   var dock = new euDock();
       * (euDock object).setPointAlign(x,y,euDockPosition)
       * align euDock to a fixed position
       * [x,y]  : obvious
       * euDockPosition : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT,euHORIZONTAL,euVERTICAL)
       *        : put euDock on the (TOP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,centerHORIZONTAL,centerVERTICAL)
       *        : of the x,y point
Don't forget to put in your page:
<a href=''>
<img src='' border=0></a>
!!!If you don't like (of course) a personal Macumba!!!