The TwoWay Sync plugin is responsible to perform two-way synchronization of PIM items. More...
The TwoWay Sync plugin is responsible to perform two-way synchronization of PIM items.
Two-way synchronization can be done only between two instances of OpenAB::Storage (identified as local and remote). Two-way synchronization uses metadata information to store information about association between items in OpenAB::Storage instances.
During synchronization process different cases can occur:
Type | Name | Description | Mandatory |
String | "remote_plugin" | name of OpenAB_Source::Source plugin to use | Yes |
Struct | remoteSourcePluginParams | parameters of OpenAB_Source::Source plugin to use | Yes |
Struct | remoteStoragePluginParams | parameters of OpenAB_Storage::Storage plugin to use | Yes |
String | "local_plugin" | name of OpenAB_Storage::Storage plugin to use | Yes |
Struct | localStoragePluginParams | parameters of OpenAB_Storage::Storage plugin | Yes |
Struct | localSorcePluginParams | parameters of OpenAB_Source::Source plugin | Yes |
Pointer | "callback" | pointer to OpenAB_Sync::Sync::SyncCallback | No |
Float | "sync_progress_frequency" | interval of OpenAB_Sync::Sync::SyncCallback::syncProgress() emission in seconds | No |
Integer | "batch_size" | size of batches to be used on Storage operations | No |
Stringr | "metadata" | last synchronization meta data information in JSON format | No |
Add support for pausing/resumig/canceling operation
Add possibility to sleep after processing each item to lower CPU consumption during sync