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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBluezOBEXTransferDocumentation for class BluezOBEXTransfer
 CCalDAVHelperDocumentation for class CalDAVHelper. This class implements CalDAV client using libcurl
 CCalDAVHelper::CalendarInfoClass describing calendar
 CCardDAVHelperDocumentation for class CardDAVHelper
 CDAVHelperHelper class handling DAV responses parsing
 CDAVHelper::DAVPropStatDAV PropStat
 CDAVHelper::DAVResponseDAV Response
 CEDSCalendarStorageCommonDocumentation for class EDSCalendarStorageCommon
 CCalDAVHelper::EventMetadataSimple struct describing items in metadata
 COpenAB_Plugin::Factory< __C, __P >
 CGDataContactsConverterClass GDataContactsConverter. Converts contacts from GData format to vCards
 COpenAB::HttpAuthorizerHttpAuthorizer interface. This should be used by classes implementing different Http authorization methods
 COpenAB::BasicHttpAuthorizerClass BasicHttpAuthorizer. Implements HTTP Basic authentication method
 COpenAB::OAuth2HttpAuthorizerClass OAuth2HttpAuthorizer Implements OAuth2 authentication method
 COpenAB::HttpMessageHttpMessage class. Represents Http request that can be executed using HttpSession object
 COpenAB::HttpSessionHttpSession class. Allows to send Http requests
 COpenAB::ItemFieldClass representing single field of iCalendar object. Field can have assigned value and list of parameters. Fields itself does not know its name
 COpenAB::KeyValueItemClass representing item containing fields in form of key value pairs, that can contain additional parameters for each field. Each item can also contain nested items
 COpenAB::PIMCalendarItemDocumentation for class PIMCalendarItem
 COpenAB::VDayLightTimeZoneKeyValueItemSpecial implementation for VDAYLIGHT item of VTIMEZONE that ignores item
 COpenAB::VStandardTimeZoneKeyValueItemSpecial implementation for VSTANDARD item of VTIMEZONE that ignores item
 COpenAB::KeyValueItemFactoryFactory for creating KeyValueItem object
 COpenAB_Plugin::LinkedList< __C >
 COpenAB::LoggerLogger class, allows to override way in which messages from OpenAB will be logged
 COpenAB_Plugin::Node< __C >
 COpenAB_Plugin::NodeIterator< __C >
 COpenAB_Sync_paramsSet of parameters required to perform the synchronization
 COpenAB_Plugin::GenericParametersGeneric storage for plugin parameters. Allows to store map of parameters with different types (OpenAB::Variant). Additionally allow for serialization and deserialization to/from JSON format
 COpenAB_Sync::ParametersGeneric storage for Sync plugin parameters. Allows to store map of parameters with different types (OpenAB::Variant) and parameters specific to OpenAB_Source::Source and OpenAB_Storage::Storage plugins. Additionally allow for serialization and deserialization to/from JSON format
 COpenAB::PIMItemClass representing PIM item
 COpenAB::PIMCalendarItemDocumentation for class PIMCalendarItem
 COpenAB::PIMContactItemClass representing PIM contact item
 COpenAB::PIMItemIndex::PIMItemCheckDefinition of check that will be made on PIMItemIndex instances when comparing them. Each check checks single field of PIMItem, and based on its role, detects if items are totally different, or items are modified version of the same item
 COpenAB::PIMItemIndexDocumentation for class PIMItemIndex. PIMItemIndex is a PIMItem representation used to match and compare PIMItems. Set of PIMItem fields is stored along with comparison rules allowing matching and comparing of PIMItems. PIMItemIndex is intended to be used by OpenAB_Sync::Sync plugins
 COpenAB::PIMCalendarItemIndexDocumentation for class PIMCalendarItemIndex. It implements PIMItemIndex for OpenAB::eEvent or OpenAB::eTask type, additionally allows to define which PIMItemCheck should be used to construct PIMCalendarItemIndex objects
 COpenAB::PIMContactItemIndexDocumentation for class PIMContactItemIndex. It implements PIMItemIndex for OpenAB::eContact type, additionally allows to define which PIMItemCheck should be used to construct PIMContactItemIndex objects
 COpenAB::PluginManagerPluginManager provides way to manage OpenAB plugins. Allows to discover modules that are providing OpenAB plugins, and load/unload them
 COpenAB::SecureStringSecureString class, used to store strings like passwords etc. Current implementation encodes string into two strings using simple XOR encoding
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< __C >Smart pointer implementation for safely passing around dynamically created data. Smart pointers are reference counted, data that they are managing is automatically freed when no other references to it exist
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< OpenAB::KeyValueItem >
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< OpenAB::PIMCalendarItem >
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< OpenAB::PIMContactItem >
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< OpenAB::PIMItem >
 COpenAB::SmartPtr< OpenAB::PIMItemIndex >
 COpenAB_Source::SourceDocumentation for Source plugin interface
 CFileSourceDocumentation for class File
 COpenAB_Storage::StorageDocumentation for Storage plugin interface. Generic interface is modeled over Sync Plugin specific requirements, it define a palceholder for all the functionalities required by the Sync Plugins
 COpenAB_Storage::CalendarStorageDocumentation for ContactsStorage interface. Provides functionalities specific to Storage of OpenAB::eContact items
 COpenAB_Storage::ContactsStorageDocumentation for ContactsStorage interface. Provides functionalities specific to Storage of OpenAB::eContact items
 COpenAB_Storage::StorageItemThis object associates OpenAB::PIMItem with its unique ID from OpenAB_Storage::Storage. Additionally it stores status flag used in synchronization process
 COpenAB_Storage::StorageItemIteratorThe StorageItemIterator is mainly used to quickly browse the Storage contents
 CEDSCalendarStorageItemIteratorDocumentation for class EDSCalendarStorageItemIterator
 CEDSContactsStorageItemIteratorDocumentation for class EDSStorageItemIterator
 COpenAB_Sync::SyncDocumentation for class Sync plugin interface
 COneWaySyncSync Class providing all the Sync controls
 CTwoWaySyncSync Class providing all the Sync controls
 COpenAB_Sync::Sync::SyncCallbackVirtual class that provide all the callback routines to control the synchronization
 COpenAB_Sync::SyncMetadataDocumentation for class SyncMetadata. This class is designed to store and keep track of synchronization metadata information
 COpenAB::TimeStampClass representing time stamp. Allows for basic operations like adding and subtracting time stamps
 COpenAB::VariantVariant class that can contains different types of data
 COpenAB::VCardFieldRepresents single parsed vCard field. Filed has its value and additionally it can have set of parameters (each of parameter can have multiple values)
 COpenAB::VCardPhotoHelper class for handling vCard fields of PHOTO or LOGO type