
class TTkHelper[source]🌶️

Bases: object

This is a collection of helper utilities to be used all around TermTk

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Displays a simple message box about pyTermTk.


Quit TermTk


static aboutTermTk()[source]🌶️

Displays a simple message box about pyTermTk. The message includes the version number of TermTk being used by the application.

This is useful for inclusion in the Help menu of an application, as shown in the Menus example.

This function is a convenience slot for TTk.aboutTermTk().

static absPos(widget) tuple[int, int][source]🌶️
static addUpdateBuffer(canvas)[source]🌶️
static addUpdateWidget(widget)[source]🌶️
static checkModalOverlay(widget)[source]🌶️
static clearFocus()[source]🌶️
static cursorWidget()[source]🌶️
static dndEnd()[source]🌶️
static dndEnter(widget: TTkWidget)[source]🌶️
static dndGetDrag() TTkDrag[source]🌶️
static dndInit(drag: TTkDrag)[source]🌶️
static dndWidget() TTkWidget[source]🌶️
static focusLastModal()[source]🌶️
static getFocus()[source]🌶️
static getLastModal()[source]🌶️
static getOverlay()[source]🌶️
static getTerminalSize()[source]🌶️
static hideCursor()[source]🌶️
static isDnD() bool[source]🌶️
static isOverlay(widget)[source]🌶️
static isParent(widget, parent)[source]🌶️
static mousePos()[source]🌶️
static moveCursor(widget, x, y)[source]🌶️
static nextFocus(widget)[source]🌶️
static overlay(caller, widget, x: int, y: int, modal: bool = False, forceBoundaries: bool = True, toolWindow: bool = False)[source]🌶️
static paintAll()[source]🌶️

_updateBuffer = list widgets that require a repaint [paintEvent] _updateWidget = list widgets that need to be pushed below

static prevFocus(widget)[source]🌶️
static quit()[source]🌶️

Quit TermTk

static rePaintAll()[source]🌶️
static registerRootWidget(widget)[source]🌶️
static removeOverlay()[source]🌶️
static removeOverlayAndChild(widget)[source]🌶️
static removeOverlayChild(widget)[source]🌶️
static rootOverlay(widget)[source]🌶️
static setFocus(widget)[source]🌶️
static setMousePos(pos)[source]🌶️
static showCursor(cursorType=1)[source]🌶️
static toolTipShow(tt)[source]🌶️
static unlockPaint()[source]🌶️
static updateAll()[source]🌶️
static widgetAt(x, y, layout=None)[source]🌶️
static widgetDepth(widget) int[source]🌶️

TTkHelper Attributes🌶️

