.. _pyTermTk: https://github.com/ceccopierangiolieugenio/pyTermTk .. _TTk: https://ceccopierangiolieugenio.github.io/pyTermTk/autogen.TermTk/TermTk.TTkCore.ttk.html#TermTk.TTkCore.ttk.TTk .. _mainloop(): https://ceccopierangiolieugenio.github.io/pyTermTk/autogen.TermTk/TermTk.TTkCore.ttk.html#TermTk.TTkCore.ttk.TTk.mainloop .. _TTkLabel: https://ceccopierangiolieugenio.github.io/pyTermTk/autogen.TermTk/TermTk.TTkWidgets.label.html#TermTk.TTkWidgets.label.TTkLabel ============================================================================= pyTermTk_ - Hello World ============================================================================= Intro ===== Creating a simple GUI application using pyTermTk_ involves the following steps: - Import TermTk package. - Create an TTk_ object. - Add a TTkLabel_ object in it with the caption "**hello world**" in the position (x=5,y=2). - Enter the mainloop of application by `mainloop()`_ method. Examples ======== Example 1 --------- Following is the code to execute `helloworld.001.py `_ in pyTermTk_ (`tryItOnline `_): .. code:: python import TermTk as ttk root = ttk.TTk() ttk.TTkLabel(parent=root, pos=(5,2), text="Hello World") root.mainloop() The above code produces the following output :: Hello World Example 2 - Your first Window ----------------------------- Following is the code to execute `helloworld.002.py `_ in pyTermTk_ (`tryItOnline `_): .. code:: python import TermTk as ttk # Create a root object (it is a widget that represent the terminal) root = ttk.TTk() # Create a window and attach it to the root (parent=root) helloWin = ttk.TTkWindow(parent=root,pos = (1,1), size=(30,10), title="Hello Window", border=True) # Define the Label and attach it to the window (parent=helloWin) ttk.TTkLabel(parent=helloWin, pos=(5,5), text="Hello World") # Start the Main loop root.mainloop() The above code produces the following output (yuhuuuuu!!!) :: ╔════════════════════════════╗ ║ Hello Window ║ ╟────────────────────────────╢ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Hello World ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚════════════════════════════╝