Source code for TermTk.TTkCore.canvas

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Eugenio Parodi <ceccopierangiolieugenio AT googlemail DOT com>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

__all__ = ['TTkCanvas']

from TermTk.TTkCore.TTkTerm.term import TTkTerm
from TermTk.TTkCore.constant import TTkK
from TermTk.TTkCore.log import TTkLog
from TermTk.TTkCore.cfg import TTkCfg
from TermTk.TTkCore.color import TTkColor
from TermTk.TTkCore.string import TTkString

[docs] class TTkCanvas(): ''' Init the Canvas object :param width: the width of the Canvas :type width: int :param height: the height of the Canvas :type height: int ''' __slots__ = ( '_width', '_height', '_newWidth', '_newHeight', '_data', '_colors', '_bufferedData', '_bufferedColors', '_visible', '_transparent', '_doubleBuffer') _data:list[list[str]] _colors:list[list[TTkColor]] def __init__(self, width:int=0, height:int=0) -> None: self._visible = True self._transparent = False self._doubleBuffer = False self._width = 0 self._height = 0 self._data = [[]] self._colors = [[]] self._newWidth = width self._newHeight = height self.updateSize() # self.resize(self._width, self._height) # TTkLog.debug((self._width, self._height))
[docs] def transparent(self) -> bool: return self._transparent
[docs] def setTransparent(self, tr=True): self._transparent = tr self.clean()
[docs] def enableDoubleBuffer(self): self._doubleBuffer = True self._bufferedData, self._bufferedColors = self.copyBuffers()
[docs] def updateSize(self): if not self._visible: return w,h = self._newWidth, self._newHeight if w == self._width and h == self._height: return if self._transparent: baseData = [None]*w baseColors = baseData else: baseData = [' ']*w baseColors = [TTkColor.RST]*w self._data = [baseData.copy() for _ in range(h)] self._colors = [baseColors.copy() for _ in range(h)] if self._doubleBuffer: self._bufferedData = [baseData.copy() for _ in range(h)] self._bufferedColors = [baseColors.copy() for _ in range(h)] self._height = h self._width = w
[docs] def size(self): return (self._width, self._height)
[docs] def resize(self, w, h): ''' resize the canvas keeping or cutting the current one :param w: the width of the new canvas :param h: the height of the new canvas ''' self._newWidth = w self._newHeight = h
[docs] def clean(self): if not self._visible: return w,h = self._width, self._height if self._transparent: baseData = [None]*w baseColors = baseData else: baseData = [' ']*w baseColors = [TTkColor.RST]*w self._data = [baseData.copy() for _ in range(h)] self._colors = [baseColors.copy() for _ in range(h)]
[docs] def copy(self): ret = TTkCanvas() ret._width = self._width ret._height = self._height ret._data, ret._colors = self.copyBuffers()
[docs] def copyBuffers(self): h = self._height retData = [self._data[i].copy() for i in range(h)] retColors = [self._colors[i].copy() for i in range(h)] return retData, retColors
[docs] def hide(self): self._visible = False
[docs] def show(self): self._visible = True
def _set(self, _y, _x, _ch, _col=TTkColor.RST): if 0 <= _y < self._height and \ 0 <= _x < self._width : self._data[_y][_x] = _ch self._colors[_y][_x] = _col.mod(_x,_y)
[docs] def fill(self, pos=(0,0), size=None, char=' ', color=TTkColor.RST): w,h = self.size() if not size: size=(w,h) fxa,fya = pos fw,fh = size fxb,fyb = fxa+fw, fya+fh # the fill area is outside the boundaries if ( fxa >= w or fya >= h or fxb <= 0 or fyb <= 0): return fxa = max(0,fxa) fya = max(0,fya) fxb = min(w,fxb) fyb = min(h,fyb) fillCh = [char]*(fxb-fxa) for iy in range(fya,fyb): self._data[iy][fxa:fxb] = fillCh if color.colorType() & TTkK.ColorType.ColorModifier: for iy in range(fya,fyb): for ix in range(fxa,fxb): self._colors[iy][ix] = color.mod(fxa+ix,fya+iy) else: fillColor = [color]*(fxb-fxa) for iy in range(fya,fyb): self._colors[iy][fxa:fxb] = fillColor
[docs] def drawVLine(self, pos, size, color=TTkColor.RST): if size == 0: return x,y = pos ln = TTkCfg.theme.vline self._set(y, x, ln[0], color) self._set(y+size-1, x, ln[2], color) if size > 2: for i in range(1,size-1): self._set(y+i, x, ln[1], color)
[docs] def drawHLine(self, pos, size, color=TTkColor.RST): if size == 0: return x,y = pos ln = TTkCfg.theme.hline if size == 1: txt = ln[0] elif size == 2: txt = ln[0]+ln[2] else: txt = ln[0]+(ln[1]*(size-2))+ln[2] self.drawText(pos=pos, text=txt, color=color)
''' pos = (x:int, y:int) items = [str] # list of str to be written (for each column) size = [int] # list of output sizes (for each column) colors = [TTkColor] # list of colors (for each column) alignments = [TTkK.alignment] # list of txtalignments (for each column) '''
[docs] def drawTableLine(self, pos, items, sizes, colors, alignments ): x,y = pos for i in range(0,len(items)): txt = items[i] w = sizes[i] color = colors[i] align = alignments[i] if w > 0: self.drawText(pos=(x,y), text=txt, width=w, color=color, alignment=align) x += w + 1
[docs] def drawChar(self, pos, char, color=TTkColor.RST): if not self._visible: return x,y = pos self._set(y, x, char, color)
[docs] def drawTTkString(self, pos, text, width=None, color=TTkColor.RST, alignment=TTkK.NONE, forceColor=False): ''' NOTE: drawText is one of the most abused functions, there is some redundant code here in order to reduce the footprint ''' if not self._visible: return # Check the size and bounds x,y = pos if y<0 or y>=self._height : return lentxt = text.termWidth() if width is None or width<0: width = lentxt if x+width<0 or x>=self._width : return text = text.align(width=width, alignment=alignment, color=color) txt, colors = text.tab2spaces().getData() if forceColor: colors=[color]*len(colors) a,b = max(0,-x), min(len(txt),self._width-x) for i in range(a,b): #self._set(y, x+i, txt[i-x], colors[i-x]) self._data[y][x+i] = txt[i] if colors[i] == TTkColor.RST != color: self._colors[y][x+i] = color.mod(x+i,y) elif (not colors[i].hasBackground()) and color.hasBackground(): self._colors[y][x+i] = (color + colors[i]).mod(x+i,y) else: self._colors[y][x+i] = colors[i].mod(x+i,y) # Check the full wide chars on the edge of the two canvasses if ((0 <= (x+a) < self._width) and self._data[y][x+a] == ''): self._data[y][x+a] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[0] self._colors[y][x+a] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor if ((0 <= (x+b-1) < self._width) and TTkString._isWideCharData(self._data[y][x+b-1])): self._data[y][x+b-1] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[1] self._colors[y][x+b-1] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor
[docs] def drawText(self, text="", pos=(0,0), width=None, color=TTkColor.RST, alignment=TTkK.NONE, forceColor=False): ''' NOTE: drawText is one of the most abused functions, there is some redundant code here in order to reduce the footprint ''' if not self._visible: return if isinstance(text, TTkString): return self.drawTTkString(pos, text, width, color, alignment, forceColor) # Check the size and bounds x,y = pos if y<0 or y>=self._height : return lentxt = len(text) if width is None or width<0: width = lentxt if x+width<0 or x>=self._width : return text = text.replace('\t',' ') if lentxt < width: pad = width-lentxt if alignment in [TTkK.NONE, TTkK.LEFT_ALIGN]: text = text + " "*pad elif alignment == TTkK.RIGHT_ALIGN: text = " "*pad + text elif alignment == TTkK.CENTER_ALIGN: p1 = pad//2 p2 = pad-p1 text = " "*p1 + text+" "*p2 elif alignment == TTkK.JUSTIFY: # TODO: Text Justification text = text + " "*pad else: text=text[:width] arr = list(text) for i in range(0, min(len(arr),self._width-x)): self._set(y, x+i, arr[i], color)
[docs] def drawBoxTitle(self, pos, size, text, align=TTkK.CENTER_ALIGN, color=TTkColor.RST, colorText=TTkColor.RST, grid=0): if not self._visible: return x,y = pos w,h = size if w < 4: return gg = TTkCfg.theme.grid[grid] if text.termWidth() > w-4: text = text.substring(to=w-4) if align == TTkK.CENTER_ALIGN: l = (w-2-text.termWidth())//2 elif align == TTkK.LEFT_ALIGN: l=1 else: l = w-2-text.termWidth() l+=x r = l+text.termWidth()+1 self._set(y,l, gg[0x0B], color) self._set(y,r, gg[0x08], color) self.drawText(pos=(l+1,y),text=text,color=colorText)
[docs] def drawBox(self, pos, size, color=TTkColor.RST, grid=0): self.drawGrid(pos=pos, size=size, color=color, grid=grid)
[docs] def drawButtonBox(self, pos, size, color=TTkColor.RST, grid=0): if not self._visible: return x,y = pos w,h = size gg = TTkCfg.theme.buttonBox[grid] # 4 corners self._set(y, x, gg[0], color) self._set(y, x+w-1, gg[2], color) self._set(y+h-1, x, gg[6], color) self._set(y+h-1, x+w-1, gg[8], color) if w > 2: for i in range(x+1,x+w-1): self._set(y, i, gg[1], color) self._set(y+h-1, i, gg[7], color) if h > 2: for i in range(y+1,y+h-1): self._set(i, x, gg[3], color) self._set(i, x+w-1, gg[5], color)
[docs] def drawGrid(self, pos, size, hlines=[], vlines=[], color=TTkColor.RST, grid=0): if not self._visible: return x,y = pos w,h = size gg = TTkCfg.theme.grid[grid] # 4 corners self._set(y, x, gg[0x00], color) self._set(y, x+w-1, gg[0x03], color) self._set(y+h-1, x, gg[0x0C], color) self._set(y+h-1, x+w-1, gg[0x0F], color) if w > 2: # Top/Bottom Line for i in range(x+1,x+w-1): self._set(y, i, gg[0x01], color) self._set(y+h-1, i, gg[0x0D], color) if h > 2: # Left/Right Line for i in range(y+1,y+h-1): self._set(i, x, gg[0x04], color) self._set(i, x+w-1, gg[0x07], color) # Draw horizontal lines for iy in hlines: iy += y if not (0 < iy < h): continue self._set(iy, x, gg[0x08], color) self._set(iy, x+w-1, gg[0x0B], color) if w > 2: for ix in range(x+1,x+w-1): self._set(iy, ix, gg[0x09], color) # Draw vertical lines for ix in vlines: ix+=x if not (0 < ix < w): continue self._set(y, ix, gg[0x02], color) self._set(y+h-1, ix, gg[0x0E], color) if h > 2: for iy in range(y+1,y+h-1): self._set(iy, ix, gg[0x06], color) # Draw intersections for iy in hlines: for ix in vlines: self._set(y+iy, x+ix, gg[0x0A], color)
[docs] def drawScroll(self, pos, size, slider, orientation, color=TTkColor.RST): if not self._visible: return x,y = pos f,t = slider # slider from-to position if orientation == TTkK.HORIZONTAL: for i in range(x+1,x+size-1): # H line self._set(y,x+i, TTkCfg.theme.hscroll[1], color) for i in range(f,t): # Slider self._set(y,x+i, TTkCfg.theme.hscroll[2], color) self._set(y,x, TTkCfg.theme.hscroll[0], color) # Left Arrow self._set(y,x+size-1, TTkCfg.theme.hscroll[3], color) # Right Arrow else: for i in range(y+1,y+size-1): # V line self._set(y+i,x, TTkCfg.theme.vscroll[1], color) for i in range(f,t): # Slider self._set(y+i,x, TTkCfg.theme.vscroll[2], color) self._set(y,x, TTkCfg.theme.vscroll[0], color) # Up Arrow self._set(y+size-1,x, TTkCfg.theme.vscroll[3], color) # Down Arrow pass
[docs] def drawTabMenuButton( self, pos, size, text, slim=False, color=TTkColor.RST, borderColor=TTkColor.RST, sideBorder=TTkK.LEFT|TTkK.RIGHT): x,y = pos w,h = size textPos = pos tt = # phase 0 - Draw the Bottom bar if slim: borderLeft = tt[18] if sideBorder & TTkK.LEFT else tt[19] borderRight = tt[20] if sideBorder & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[19] bottomBar = borderLeft+tt[19]*(w-2)+borderRight self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1), text=bottomBar, color=borderColor) else: borderLeft = tt[27] if sideBorder & TTkK.LEFT else tt[12] borderRight = tt[28] if sideBorder & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[12] bottomBar = borderLeft+tt[12]*(w-2)+borderRight self.drawText(pos=(x,y+2), text=bottomBar, color=borderColor) textPos = (x,y+1) self.drawText(pos=textPos, text=text, color=color)
[docs] def drawTabButton(self, pos, size, sideEnd, small, status, color=TTkColor.RST): x,y = pos w,h = size tt = label = ' '*(w-2) if small: if status == TTkK.Checked: txtCenter = tt[10] + label + tt[10] txtBottom = tt[21] + tt[5] *(w-2) + tt[22] else: txtCenter = tt[9] + label + tt[9] txtBottom = tt[18] + tt[19]*(w-2) + tt[20] self.drawText(pos=(x,y+0),color=color,text=txtCenter) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1),color=color,text=txtBottom) else: if status == TTkK.Checked: txtTop = tt[4] + tt[5] *(w-2) + tt[6] cLeft = tt[33] if sideEnd & TTkK.LEFT else tt[10] cRight = tt[33] if sideEnd & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[10] txtCenter = cLeft + label + cRight bLeft = tt[11] if sideEnd & TTkK.LEFT else tt[14] bRight = tt[15] if sideEnd & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[14] txtBottom = bLeft + tt[12]*(w-2) + bRight elif status == TTkK.PartiallyChecked: txtTop = tt[0] + tt[1] *(w-2) + tt[3] txtCenter = tt[9] + label + tt[9] bLeft = tt[11] if sideEnd & TTkK.LEFT else tt[13] bRight = tt[15] if sideEnd & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[13] txtBottom = bLeft + tt[12]*(w-2) + bRight else: txtTop = tt[0] + tt[1] *(w-2) + tt[3] txtCenter = tt[9] + label + tt[9] bLeft = tt[11] if sideEnd & TTkK.LEFT else tt[12] bRight = tt[15] if sideEnd & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[12] txtBottom = bLeft + tt[12]*(w-2) + bRight self.drawText(pos=(x,y+0),color=color,text=txtTop) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1),color=color,text=txtCenter) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+2),color=color,text=txtBottom)
[docs] def drawTabWidgetBottomLine(self, pos, size): x,y = pos w,h = size tt = txtLine = tt[11] + tt[12]*(w-2) + tt[15] self.drawText(pos=(x,y),text=txtLine)
[docs] def drawTab( self, pos, size, labels, labelsPos, selected, offset, leftScroller, rightScroller, slim=False, menu=False, color=TTkColor.RST, borderColor=TTkColor.RST, selectColor=TTkColor.RST, offsetColor=TTkColor.RST, sideBorder=TTkK.LEFT|TTkK.RIGHT): x,y = pos w,h = size tt = # phase 0 - Draw the Bottom bar if slim: borderLeft = tt[18] if sideBorder & TTkK.LEFT else tt[29] if leftScroller else tt[19] borderRight = tt[20] if sideBorder & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[29] if rightScroller else tt[19] bottomBar = borderLeft+tt[19]*(w-2)+borderRight bottomPos = y+1 else: borderLeft = tt[11] if sideBorder & TTkK.LEFT else tt[13] if leftScroller else tt[12] borderRight = tt[15] if sideBorder & TTkK.RIGHT else tt[13] if rightScroller else tt[12] bottomBar = borderLeft+tt[12]*(w-2)+borderRight bottomPos = y+2 self.drawText(pos=(x,bottomPos),text=bottomBar, color=borderColor) # phase 1 - Draw From left to 'Selected' # phase 2 - Draw From right to 'Selected' def _drawTabSlim(x,y,a,b,c,d,e,txt,txtColor,borderColor): lentext = len(txt) center = a+txt+b bottom = c+d*(lentext)+e self.drawText(pos=(x,y),text=center, color=borderColor) self.drawText(pos=(x+1,y),text=txt, color=txtColor) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1),text=bottom, color=borderColor) def _drawTab(x,y,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,txt,txtColor,borderColor,slim): if slim: return _drawTabSlim(x,y,i,j,k,l,m,txt,txtColor,borderColor) lentext = len(txt) top = a+b*lentext+c center = d+txt+e bottom = f+g*(lentext)+h self.drawText(pos=(x,y+0),text=top, color=borderColor) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1),text=center, color=borderColor) self.drawText(pos=(x+1,y+1),text=txt, color=txtColor) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+2),text=bottom, color=borderColor) for i in list( range(offset )) + \ list(reversed(range(offset+1, len(labels)) )): text = labels[i] posx = labelsPos[i] _drawTab(x+posx,y,tt[0],tt[1],tt[3],tt[9],tt[9],tt[12],tt[12],tt[12],tt[9],tt[9],tt[23],tt[19],tt[24], text, color, borderColor, slim) # phase 3 - Draw 'Selected' if selected != -1: i = selected text = labels[i] posx = labelsPos[i] _drawTab(x+posx,y,tt[4],tt[5],tt[6],tt[10],tt[10],tt[14],tt[12],tt[14],tt[10],tt[10],tt[21],tt[12],tt[22], text, selectColor, borderColor, slim) if selected != offset: i = offset text = labels[i] posx = labelsPos[i] _drawTab(x+posx,y,tt[0],tt[1],tt[3],tt[9],tt[9],tt[13],tt[12],tt[13],tt[9],tt[9],tt[18],tt[19],tt[20], text, offsetColor, borderColor, slim) # phase 4 - Draw left right tilt if leftScroller: top = tt[7]+tt[1] center = tt[9]+tt[31] if slim: self.drawText(pos=(x,y),text=center, color=borderColor) else: self.drawText(pos=(x,y+0),text=top, color=borderColor) self.drawText(pos=(x,y+1),text=center, color=borderColor) if rightScroller: top = tt[1]+tt[8] center = tt[32]+tt[9] if slim: self.drawText(pos=(x+w-2,y),text=center, color=borderColor) else: self.drawText(pos=(x+w-2,y+0),text=top, color=borderColor) self.drawText(pos=(x+w-2,y+1),text=center, color=borderColor)
[docs] def drawHChart(self, pos, values, zoom=1.0, color=TTkColor.RST): x,y=pos v1,v2 = values gb=TTkCfg.theme.braille ''' loop 0 1 2 3 = range(0,1+maxt//4) v1 13 |---|---|---|--| v2 10 |---|---|-| maxt 13 |---|---|---|--| out 4,4 4,4 4,2 3,0 0,0 o1 = 4 if v1-4 > i*4 else v1-i*4 ''' # TTkLog.debug(f"{(v1,v2)} z{zoom}") zl1 = [ int(i*zoom) for i in v1 ] zl2 = [ int(i*zoom) for i in v2 ] maxz = max(max(zl1),max(zl2),0) minz = min(min(zl1),min(zl2),0) filled = True for i in range(int(minz//4),int(maxz//4)+2): ts1 = i*4 ts2 = i*4+4 ''' Braille bits: o2 o1 = 4 bits each 1 5 Braille dots 2 6 3 7 4 8 TTkTheme.braille[( o1<<4 | o2 )] = Braille UTF-8 char ''' braille = 0x00 for ii in range(len(zl1)): z1 = zl1[ii] z2 = zl2[ii] o1,o2 = 0,0 #TTkLog.debug if not filled or ii>0: if ts1 <= z1 < ts2: o1 = 0x80>>max(0,int(z1-ts1)) if ts1 <= z2 < ts2: o2 = 0x08>>max(0,int(z2-ts1)) else: if (0<=ts1<z1)or(0>ts1>z1): o1 = 0xf0 if (0<=ts1<z2)or(0>ts1>z2): o2 = 0x0f k1 = 0x0f80 if z1>=0 else 0x00f0 k2 = 0x00f8 if z2>=0 else 0x000f if ts1 <= z1 < ts2: o1 = 0xf0&(k1>>max(0,int(z1-ts1))) if ts1 <= z2 < ts2: o2 = 0x0f&(k2>>max(0,int(z2-ts1))) braille ^= (o1|o2) # braille &= 0xff #TTkLog.debug(f"z:{zl1,zl2}, ts:{ts1,ts2},{o1,o2}") #if braille<0 or braille>0xff: # TTkLog.debug(f"z:{zl1,zl2},t:{t1,t2},i:{i} {t1-i*4} {t2-i*4} o:{o1,o2}, {hex(braille)}") self._set(y-i-1,x, gb[braille], color)
[docs] def drawMenuBarBg(self, pos, size, color=TTkColor.RST ): mb = TTkCfg.theme.menuBar self.drawText(pos=pos, text=f"{mb[3]}{mb[1]*(size-2)}{mb[4]}", color=color)
[docs] def execPaint(self, winw, winh): pass
''' geom = (x,y,w,h) bound = (x,y,w,h) x x+w canvas: |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| slice: |-----------| bx bx+bw bound: |--------| 0 self._width self._canvas: |----|xxxxxx|----------| '''
[docs] def paintCanvas(self, canvas, geom, _slice, bound): # TTkLog.debug(f"PaintCanvas:{geom=} {bound=} {self._widget._name=} {self._data[0] if self._data else 1234}") x, y, w, h = geom bx,by,bw,bh = bound cw,ch = self.size() # out of bound if not self._visible: return if not canvas._visible: return if canvas._width<=0 or canvas._height<=0: return if bx+bw<0 or by+bh<0 or bx>=cw or by>=ch: return if x+w<=bx or y+h<=by or bx+bw<=x or by+bh<=y: return if (0,0,cw,ch)==geom==bound and (cw,ch)==canvas.size() and not canvas._transparent: # fast Copy # the canvas match exactly on top of the current one for y in range(h): self._data[y] = canvas._data[y].copy() self._colors[y] = canvas._colors[y].copy() return x = min(x,cw-1) y = min(y,ch-1) w = min(w,cw-x) h = min(h,ch-y) xoffset = min(max(0,bx-x),canvas._width-1) yoffset = min(max(0,by-y),canvas._height-1) wslice = min(w if x+w < bx+bw else bx+bw-x,canvas._width) hslice = min(h if y+h < by+bh else by+bh-y,canvas._height) a, b = x+xoffset, x+wslice slice_ab = slice(a,b) slice_off = slice(xoffset,wslice) if canvas._transparent: for iy in range(yoffset,hslice): if None in canvas._data[iy][slice_off]: self._data[y+iy][slice_ab] = [cca if cca is not None else ccb for cca,ccb in zip(canvas._data[iy][slice_off],self._data[y+iy][slice_ab])] else: self._data[y+iy][slice_ab] = canvas._data[iy][slice_off] if None in canvas._colors[iy][slice_off]: self._colors[y+iy][slice_ab] = [cca if cca else ccb for cca,ccb in zip(canvas._colors[iy][slice_off],self._colors[y+iy][slice_ab])] else: self._colors[y+iy][slice_ab] = canvas._colors[iy][slice_off] else: for iy in range(yoffset,hslice): self._data[y+iy][slice_ab] = canvas._data[iy][slice_off] self._colors[y+iy][slice_ab] = canvas._colors[iy][slice_off] for iy in range(yoffset,hslice): # Check the full wide chars on the edge of the two canvasses if ((0 <= a < cw) and self._data[y+iy][a]==''): self._data[y+iy][a] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[0] self._colors[y+iy][a] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor if ((0 < b <= cw) and self._data[y+iy][b-1] and TTkString._isWideCharData(self._data[y+iy][b-1])): self._data[y+iy][b-1] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[1] self._colors[y+iy][b-1] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor if ((0 < a <= cw) and self._data[y+iy][a-1] and TTkString._isWideCharData(self._data[y+iy][a-1])): self._data[y+iy][a-1] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[1] self._colors[y+iy][a-1] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor if ((0 <= b < cw) and self._data[y+iy][b]==''): self._data[y+iy][b] = TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[0] self._colors[y+iy][b] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor
[docs] def toAnsi(self): # TTkLog.debug("pushToTerminal") ret = "" rstColor = str(TTkColor.RST) lastcolor = TTkColor.RST for y in range(0, self._height): ansi = str(lastcolor) for x in range(0, self._width): ch = self._data[y][x] color = self._colors[y][x] if color != lastcolor: ansi += str(color-lastcolor) lastcolor = color ansi+=ch if lastcolor != TTkColor.RST: ret += ansi + rstColor + '\n' else: ret += ansi + '\n' return ret
[docs] def pushToTerminal(self, x, y, w, h): # TTkLog.debug("pushToTerminal") lastcolor = TTkColor.RST for y in range(0, self._height): ansi = lastcolor+TTkTerm.Cursor.moveTo(y+1,1) for x in range(0, self._width): ch = self._data[y][x] color = self._colors[y][x] if color != lastcolor: ansi += color-lastcolor lastcolor = color ansi+=ch TTkTerm.push(ansi)
[docs] def cleanBuffers(self): if not self._visible: return w,h = self._width, self._height baseData = [' ']*w baseColors = [TTkColor.RST]*w self._bufferedData = [baseData.copy() for _ in range(h)] self._bufferedColors = [baseColors.copy() for _ in range(h)]
[docs] def pushToTerminalBuffered(self, x, y, w, h): # TTkLog.debug("pushToTerminal") data, colors = self._data, self._colors oldData, oldColors = self._bufferedData, self._bufferedColors lastcolor = TTkColor.RST empty = True ansi = "" for y,(lda,ldb,lca,lcb) in enumerate(zip(data,oldData,colors,oldColors)): for x,(da,db,ca,cb) in enumerate(zip(lda,ldb,lca,lcb)): if da==db and ca==cb: if not empty: TTkTerm.push(ansi) empty=True continue ch = da color = ca if empty: ansi = TTkTerm.Cursor.moveTo(y+1,x+1) empty = False if color != lastcolor: ansi += color-lastcolor lastcolor = color ansi+=ch if not empty: TTkTerm.push(ansi) empty=True # Reset the color at the end TTkTerm.push(TTkColor.RST-lastcolor) # TTkTerm.flush() # Switch the buffer self._bufferedData, self._bufferedColors = data, colors self._data, self._colors = oldData, oldColors
[docs] def pushToTerminalBufferedNew(self, x, y, w, h): # TTkLog.debug("pushToTerminal") data, colors = self._data, self._colors oldData, oldColors = self._bufferedData, self._bufferedColors lastcolor = TTkColor.RST empty = True ansi = "" for y,(lda,ldb,lca,lcb) in enumerate(zip(data,oldData,colors,oldColors)): count = 0 chBk = '' for x,(da,db,ca,cb) in enumerate(zip(lda,ldb,lca,lcb)): if da==db and ca==cb: if not empty: ansi += "" if not chBk else chBk*count if count<=4 else f"{chBk}\033[{count-1}b" TTkTerm.push(ansi) count = 0 chBk = '' empty=True continue ch = da color = ca if empty: ansi = ("" if not chBk else chBk*count if count<=4 else f"{chBk}\033[{count-1}b") + TTkTerm.Cursor.moveTo(y+1,x+1) empty = False count = 0 chBk = '' if color != lastcolor: ansi += ("" if not chBk else chBk*count if count<=4 else f"{chBk}\033[{count-1}b") + str(color-lastcolor) lastcolor = color count = 0 chBk = '' # "Collect the consecutive characters" if ch == chBk: count+=1 else: ansi += "" if not chBk else chBk*count if count<=4 else f"{chBk}\033[{count-1}b" chBk = ch count=1 # ansi+=ch if not empty: ansi += "" if not chBk else chBk*count if count<=4 else f"{chBk}\033[{count-1}b" TTkTerm.push(ansi) empty=True # Reset the color at the end TTkTerm.push(TTkColor.RST) if lastcolor._link: TTkTerm.push("\033]8;;\033\\") # Switch the buffer self._bufferedData, self._bufferedColors = data, colors self._data, self._colors = oldData, oldColors