Source code for TermTk.TTkCore.string

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Eugenio Parodi <ceccopierangiolieugenio AT googlemail DOT com>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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__all__ = ['TTkString']

import os
import re
import unicodedata
from types import GeneratorType
from typing import Any

    from typing import Self
    class Self(): pass

from TermTk.TTkCore.cfg import TTkCfg
from TermTk.TTkCore.constant import TTkK
from TermTk.TTkCore.color import TTkColor, _TTkColor

[docs] class TTkString(): ''' TermTk String Helper The TTkString constructor creates a terminal String object. :param text: text of the string, defaults to "" :type text: str, optional :param color: the color of the string, defaults to :py:class:`TTkColor.RST` :type color: :py:class:`TTkColor`, optional Example: .. code:: python # No params Constructor str1 = TTkString() + "test 1" str2 = TTkString() + TTkColor.BOLD + "test 2" # Indexed params constructor str3 = TTkString("test 3") str4 = TTkString("test 4", TTkColor.ITALIC) # Named params constructor str5 = TTkString(text="test 5") str6 = TTkString(text="test 6","000044")) # Combination of constructors (Highly Unrecommended) str7 = TTkString("test 7", color=TTkColor.fg('#FF0000')) ''' unicodeWideOverflowColor = TTkColor.fg("#888888")"#000088") __slots__ = ('_text','_colors','_baseColor','_hasTab','_hasSpecialWidth') def __init__(self, text:str="", color:TTkColor=None) -> None: if issubclass(type(text), TTkString): self._text = text._text self._colors = text._colors if color is None else [color]*len(self._text) self._baseColor = text._baseColor else: self._baseColor = TTkColor.RST if color is None else color self._text, self._colors = TTkString._parseAnsi(str(text), self._baseColor) self._hasTab = '\t' in self._text self._checkWidth() # raise AttributeError(f"{type(text)} not supported in TTkString") @staticmethod def _importString1(text, colors): ret = TTkString() if text and colors: ret._text = text ret._colors = colors ret._baseColor = colors[-1] if colors else TTkColor.RST ret._hasTab = '\t' in text ret._checkWidth() return ret @staticmethod def _parseAnsi(text, color = TTkColor.RST): pos = 0 txtret = "" colret = [] for m in re.findall('\033[^m]*m', text): index = text.index(m,pos) txt = text[pos:index] txtret += txt colret += [color]*len(txt) color+=TTkColor.ansi(m) pos = index+len(m) txtret += text[pos:] colret += [color]*(len(text)-pos) return txtret, colret
[docs] def termWidth(self) -> int: return self._hasSpecialWidth if self._hasSpecialWidth is not None else len(self)
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._text) def __str__(self) -> str: return self._text def __add__(self, other:Self) -> Self: ret = TTkString() ret._baseColor = self._baseColor if isinstance(other, TTkString): ret._text = self._text + other._text ret._colors = self._colors + other._colors ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._fastCheckWidth(self._hasSpecialWidth, other._hasSpecialWidth) elif isinstance(other, str): atxt, acol = TTkString._parseAnsi(other, self._baseColor) ret._text = self._text + atxt ret._colors = self._colors + acol ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._checkWidth() elif isinstance(other, _TTkColor): ret._text = self._text ret._colors = self._colors ret._hasSpecialWidth = self._hasSpecialWidth ret._hasTab = self._hasTab ret._baseColor = other return ret def __radd__(self, other:Self) -> Self: ret = TTkString() ret._baseColor = self._baseColor if isinstance(other, TTkString): ret._text = other._text + self._text ret._colors = other._colors + self._colors ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._fastCheckWidth(self._hasSpecialWidth, other._hasSpecialWidth) elif isinstance(other, str): ret._text = other + self._text ret._colors = [self._baseColor]*len(other) + self._colors ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._checkWidth() return ret def __setitem__(self, index:int, value:Any): raise NotImplementedError() def __getitem__(self, index:int): raise NotImplementedError() def __int__(self) -> int: return int(self._text) def __float__(self) -> float: return float(self._text) def __complex__(self) -> complex: return complex(self._text) # Operators def __lt__(self, other): return self._text < other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text < other def __le__(self, other): return self._text <= other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text <= other def __eq__(self, other): return self._text == other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text == other def __ne__(self, other): return self._text != other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text != other def __gt__(self, other): return self._text > other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text > other def __ge__(self, other): return self._text >= other._text if issubclass(type(other),TTkString) else self._text >= other
[docs] def sameAs(self, other:Self) -> bool: if not issubclass(type(other),TTkString): return False return ( self==other and len(self._colors) == len(other._colors) and all(s==o for s,o in zip(self._colors,other._colors)) )
[docs] def isdigit(self) -> bool: return self._text.isdigit()
[docs] def lstrip(self, ch:str) -> Self: ret = TTkString() ret._text = self._text.lstrip(ch) ret._colors = self._colors[-len(ret._text):] return ret
[docs] def charAt(self, pos:int) -> str: return self._text[pos]
[docs] def setCharAt(self, pos:int, char:str) -> Self: self._text = self._text[:pos]+char+self._text[pos+1:] self._checkWidth() return self
[docs] def colorAt(self, pos:int) -> TTkColor: if pos >= len(self._colors): return TTkColor() return self._colors[pos]
[docs] def setColorAt(self, pos, color) -> Self: self._colors[pos] = color return self
[docs] def tab2spaces(self, tabSpaces=4) -> Self: '''Return the string representation with the tabs (converted in spaces) trimmed and aligned''' if not self._hasTab: return self ret = TTkString() slices = self._text.split("\t") ret._text += slices[0] pos = len(slices[0]) ret._colors += self._colors[0:pos] for s in slices[1:]: c = self._colors[pos] lentxt = ret.termWidth() spaces = tabSpaces - (lentxt+tabSpaces)%tabSpaces ret._text += " "*spaces + s ret._colors += [c]*spaces + self._colors[pos+1:pos+1+len(s)] ret._fastCheckWidth(self._hasSpecialWidth) pos+=len(s)+1 return ret
[docs] def tabCharPos(self, pos, tabSpaces=4, alignTabRight=False) -> int: '''Return the char position in the string from the position in its representation with the tab and variable char sizes are solved i.e. :: pos X = 11 tab2Spaces |----------|---------------------| Tabs |-| | |-| |-| | _text L😁rem ipsum dolor sit amet, chars .. ...t .....t .....t ...t..... ret x = 7 (tab is a char) ''' if not self._hasTab and self._hasSpecialWidth is None: return max(0,min(pos,len(self._text))) if self._hasSpecialWidth is not None: return self._tabCharPosWideChar(pos, tabSpaces, alignTabRight) slices = self._text.split("\t") postxt = 0 # position of the text lentxt = 0 # length of the text with resolved tabs for s in slices: lens = len(s) lentxt += lens postxt += lens if pos<=postxt: return pos spaces = tabSpaces - (lentxt+tabSpaces)%tabSpaces if pos < postxt+spaces: if alignTabRight: return postxt+1 else: return postxt pos += 1-spaces lentxt += spaces postxt += 1 return len(self._text)
def _tabCharPosWideChar(self, pos, tabSpaces=4, alignTabRight=False): '''Return the char position in the string from the position in its representation with the tab and variable char sizes are solved i.e. :: pos X = 11 tab2Spaces |----------|---------------------| Tabs |-| | |-| |-| | _text L😁rem ipsum dolor sit amet, chars .. ...t .....t .....t ...t..... ret x = 7 (tab is a char) ''' # get pos in the slice: dx = pos pp = 0 for i,ch in enumerate(self._text): if ch=='\t': pp += tabSpaces - (pp+tabSpaces)%tabSpaces elif unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W': pp += 2 elif unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn'): pass else: pp += 1 if dx < pp: return i return len(self._text)
[docs] def isPlainText(self) -> bool: ''' Return True if the string does not include colors or modifications ''' return all(TTkColor.RST == c for c in self._colors)
[docs] def toAscii(self) -> str: ''' Return the ascii representation of the string ''' return self._text
[docs] def toAnsi(self, strip=False): ''' Return the ansii (terminal colors/events) representation of the string ''' out = "" color = None for ch, col in zip(self._text, self._colors): if col != color: color = col out += str(TTkColor.RST) + str(color) out += ch if strip: rstCh = "\u001b[0m" lenRst = len(rstCh) while out.startswith(rstCh): out = out[lenRst:] while out.endswith(rstCh): out = out[:-lenRst] return out return out+str(TTkColor.RST)
[docs] def align(self, width=None, color=TTkColor.RST, alignment=TTkK.NONE) -> Self: ''' Align the string :param width: the new width :type width: int, optional :param color: the color of the padding, defaults to :py:class:`TTkColor.RST` :type color: :py:class:`TTkColor`, optional :param alignment: the alignment of the text to the full width :py:class:`~TermTk.TTkCore.constant.TTkConstant.Alignment.NONE` :type alignment: :py:class:`TTkConstant.Alignment`, optional ''' lentxt = self.termWidth() if not width or width == lentxt: return self ret = TTkString() if lentxt < width: pad = width-lentxt if alignment in [TTkK.NONE, TTkK.LEFT_ALIGN]: ret._text = self._text + " " *pad ret._colors = self._colors + [color]*pad elif alignment == TTkK.RIGHT_ALIGN: ret._text = " " *pad + self._text ret._colors = [color]*pad + self._colors elif alignment == TTkK.CENTER_ALIGN: p1 = pad//2 p2 = pad-p1 ret._text = " " *p1 + self._text + " " *p2 ret._colors = [color]*p1 + self._colors + [color]*p2 elif alignment == TTkK.JUSTIFY: # TODO: Text Justification ret._text = self._text + " " *pad ret._colors = self._colors + [color]*pad elif self._hasSpecialWidth is not None: # Trim the string to a fixed size taking care of the variable width unicode chars rt = "" sz = 0 for ch in self._text: rt += ch if unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn'): continue sz += 2 if unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W' else 1 if sz == width: ret._text = rt ret._colors = self._colors[:len(rt)] break elif sz > width: ret._text = rt[:-1]+TTkCfg.theme.unicodeWideOverflowCh[1] ret._colors = self._colors[:len(ret._text)] ret._colors[-1] = TTkString.unicodeWideOverflowColor break else: # Legacy, trim the string ret._text = self._text[:width] ret._colors = self._colors[:width] ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._fastCheckWidth(self._hasSpecialWidth) return ret
[docs] def extractShortcuts(self) -> Self: def _chGenerator(): for ch,color in zip(self._text,self._colors): yield ch,color _newText = "" _newColors = [] _ret = [] _gen = _chGenerator() for ch,color in _gen: if ch == '&': ch,color = next(_gen) _ret.append(ch) color += TTkColor.UNDERLINE _newText += ch _newColors.append(color) return TTkString._importString1(_newText,_newColors), _ret
[docs] def replace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Self: ''' **replace** (*old*, *new*, *count*) Replace "**old**" match with "**new**" string for "**count**" times :param old: the match to be placed :type old: str :param new: the match to replace :type new: str, optional :param count: the number of occurrences :type count: int, optional ''' old = args[0] new = args[1] count = args[2] if len(args)==3 else 0x1000000 if old not in self._text: return self oldLen = len(old) newLen = len(new) ret = TTkString() if oldLen == newLen: ret._colors += self._colors ret._text = self._text.replace(*args, **kwargs) elif oldLen > newLen: start = 0 while pos := self._text.index(old, start) if old in self._text[start:] else None: ret._colors += self._colors[start:pos+newLen] start = pos+oldLen count -= 1 if count == 0: break ret._colors += self._colors[start:] ret._text = self._text.replace(*args, **kwargs) else: start = 0 while pos := self._text.index(old, start) if old in self._text[start:] else None: ret._colors += self._colors[start:pos+oldLen] + [self._colors[pos+oldLen-1]]*(newLen-oldLen) start = pos+oldLen if count == 0: break ret._colors += self._colors[start:] ret._text = self._text.replace(*args, **kwargs) ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._checkWidth() return ret
[docs] def completeColor(self, color, match=None, posFrom=None, posTo=None) -> Self: ''' Complete the color of the entire string or a slice of it The Fg and/or Bg of the string is replaced with the selected Fg/Bg color only if missing If only the color is specified, the entire string is colorized :param color: the color to be used, defaults to :py:class:`TTkColor.RST` :type color: :py:class:`TTkColor` :param match: the match to colorize :type match: str, optional :param posFrom: the initial position of the color :type posFrom: int, optional :param posTo: the final position of the color :type posTo: int, optional ''' ret = TTkString() ret._text += self._text ret._hasTab = self._hasTab ret._hasSpecialWidth = self._hasSpecialWidth if match: ret._colors = self._colors.copy() start=0 lenMatch = len(match) while pos := self._text.index(match, start) if match in self._text[start:] else None: start = pos+lenMatch for i in range(pos, pos+lenMatch): ret._colors[i] += color elif posFrom == posTo == None: ret._colors = [c+color for c in self._colors] elif posFrom < posTo: ret._colors = self._colors.copy() posFrom = min(len(self._text),posFrom) posTo = min(len(self._text),posTo) for i in range(posFrom, posTo): ret._colors[i] += color else: ret._colors = [c+color for c in self._colors] return ret
[docs] def setColor(self, color, match=None, posFrom=None, posTo=None) -> Self: ''' Set the color of the entire string or a slice of it If only the color is specified, the entire string is colorized :param color: the color to be used, defaults to :py:class:`TTkColor.RST` :type color: :py:class:`TTkColor` :param match: the match to colorize :type match: str, optional :param posFrom: the initial position of the color :type posFrom: int, optional :param posTo: the final position of the color :type posTo: int, optional ''' ret = TTkString() ret._text += self._text ret._hasTab = self._hasTab ret._hasSpecialWidth = self._hasSpecialWidth if match: ret._colors += self._colors start=0 lenMatch = len(match) while None != (pos := self._text.index(match, start) if match in self._text[start:] else None): start = pos+lenMatch ret._colors[pos: pos+lenMatch] = [color]*lenMatch elif posFrom == posTo == None: ret._colors = [color]*len(self._text) elif posFrom < posTo: ret._colors += self._colors posFrom = min(len(self._text),posFrom) posTo = min(len(self._text),posTo) ret._colors[posFrom:posTo] = [color]*(posTo-posFrom) else: ret._colors += self._colors return ret
[docs] def substring(self, fr=None, to=None) -> Self: ''' Return the substring :param fr: the starting of the slice, defaults to 0 :type fr: int, optional :param to: the ending of the slice, defaults to the end of the string :type to: int, optional ''' ret = TTkString() ret._text = self._text[fr:to] ret._colors = self._colors[fr:to] ret._hasTab = '\t' in ret._text ret._fastCheckWidth(self._hasSpecialWidth) return ret
[docs] def split(self, separator ) -> list[Self]: ''' Split the string using a separator .. note:: Only a one char separator is currently supported :param separator: the "**char**" separator to be used :type separator: str ''' ret = [] pos = 0 if len(separator)==1: for i,c in enumerate(self._text): if c == separator: ret.append(self.substring(pos,i)) pos = i+1 else: raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented separators bigger than one char") ret.append(self.substring(pos,len(self))) return ret
[docs] def getData(self): if self._hasSpecialWidth is not None: return self._getDataW() else: return (tuple(self._text), self._colors)
[docs] def search(self, regexp, ignoreCase=False): ''' Return the **re.match** of the **regexp** :param regexp: the regular expression to be matched :type regexp: str :param ignoreCase: Ignore case, defaults to **False** :type ignoreCase: bool ''' return, self._text, re.IGNORECASE if ignoreCase else 0)
[docs] def find(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: return self._text.find(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def findall(self, regexp, ignoreCase=False): ''' FindAll the **regexp** matches in the string :param regexp: the regular expression to be matched :type regexp: str :param ignoreCase: Ignore case, defaults to **False** :type ignoreCase: bool ''' return re.findall(regexp, self._text, re.IGNORECASE if ignoreCase else 0)
[docs] def getIndexes(self, char): return [i for i,c in enumerate(self._text) if c==char]
[docs] def join(self, strings:list[Self]) -> Self: ''' Join the input strings using the current as separator :param strings: the list of strings to be joined :type strings: list ''' if not strings: return TTkString() if isinstance(strings, GeneratorType): strings = [s for s in strings] ret = TTkString(strings[0]) for s in strings[1:]: ret += self + s return ret
# Unicode Zero/Half/Normal sized chars helpers: @staticmethod def _isWideCharData(ch:str): if len(ch) == 1: return unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch)=='W' if len(ch) > 1: return unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch[0])=='W' return False @staticmethod def _isSpecialWidthChar(ch): return ( unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W' or unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn') ) @staticmethod def _getWidthText(txt): return ( len(txt) + sum(unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W' for ch in txt) - sum(unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn') for ch in txt) ) @staticmethod def _getLenTextWoZero(txt): return ( len(txt) - sum(unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn') for ch in txt) )
[docs] def nextPos(self, pos): pos += 1 for i,ch in enumerate(self._text[pos:]): if unicodedata.category(ch) not in ('Me','Mn'): return pos+i return len(self._text)
[docs] def prevPos(self, pos): # from TermTk.TTkCore.log import TTkLog # TTkLog.debug(f"->{self._text[:pos]}<- {pos=}") # TTkLog.debug(f"{str(reversed(self._text[:pos]))} {pos=}") for i,ch in enumerate(reversed(self._text[:pos])): # TTkLog.debug(f"{i}---> {ch} ") if unicodedata.category(ch) not in ('Me','Mn'): return pos-i-1 return 0
def _fastCheckWidth(self,a,b=None): self._hasSpecialWidth = None if ( a is None and b is None ) else self._termWidthW() def _checkWidth(self): # from: tests/timeit/ # the first not halfsize char is 0x300 # this check is ~3 times faster than the 2 combined unicode checks # and will quickly filter out the (more common) simple ascii text tw = self._termWidthW() if any(ord(ch)>=0x300 for ch in self._text) else None self._hasSpecialWidth = tw if tw != len(self._text) else None def _termWidthW(self): ''' String displayed length This value consider the displayed size (Zero, Half, Full) of each character. ''' return ( len(self._text) + sum(unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W' for ch in self._text) - sum(unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn') for ch in self._text) ) def _getDataW_pts(self): retTxt = [] retCol = [] for ch,color in zip(self._text,self._colors): if unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W': retTxt += (ch,'') retCol += (color,color) elif unicodedata.category(ch) in ('Me','Mn'): if retTxt: if len(retTxt)>1 and retTxt[-1] == '': retTxt[-2]+=ch else: retTxt[-1]+=ch #else: # retTxt = [f"{ch}"] # retCol = [TTkColor.RST] else: retTxt.append(ch) retCol.append(color) return (retTxt, retCol) def _getDataW_tty(self): retTxt = [] retCol = [] for ch,color in zip(self._text,self._colors): if unicodedata.east_asian_width(ch) == 'W': retTxt += ('■','■') retCol += (color,color) elif unicodedata.category(ch) not in ('Me','Mn'): retTxt.append(ch) retCol.append(color) return (retTxt, retCol) if os.environ.get("TERMTK_GPM",False): _getDataW = _getDataW_tty else: _getDataW = _getDataW_pts