pyTermTk - Hello World


Creating a simple GUI application using pyTermTk involves the following steps:

  • Import TermTk package.

  • Create an TTk object.

  • Add a TTkLabel object in it with the caption “hello world” in the position (x=5,y=2).

  • Enter the mainloop of application by mainloop() method.


Example 1

Following is the code to execute in pyTermTk (tryItOnline):

import TermTk as ttk

root = ttk.TTk()
ttk.TTkLabel(parent=root, pos=(5,2), text="Hello World")

The above code produces the following output

Hello World

Example 2 - Your first Window

Following is the code to execute in pyTermTk (tryItOnline):

import TermTk as ttk

    # Create a root object (it is a widget that represent the terminal)
root = ttk.TTk()

    # Create a window and attach it to the root (parent=root)
helloWin = ttk.TTkWindow(parent=root,pos = (1,1), size=(30,10), title="Hello Window", border=True)

    # Define the Label and attach it to the window (parent=helloWin)
ttk.TTkLabel(parent=helloWin, pos=(5,5), text="Hello World")

    # Start the Main loop

The above code produces the following output (yuhuuuuu!!!)

║ Hello Window               ║
║                            ║
║                            ║
║    Hello World             ║
║                            ║
║                            ║
║                            ║